UK Feed-In Tariff

The UK Feed-In Tariff started 1st April 2010 to try and increase the amount of renewable energy on the national grid.

The EU has set a target of 20% energy will be renewable by 2020 and the UK is committed to delivering its share of the target.

All installations which are to be connected to the national grid must use equipment and installers certified by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme MCS. The MCS website has a full list of certified products and installers.

The feed-in tariff is paid on all electricity generated, you will also recieve an additional 3p for each unit fed into the national grid.

Any electricity used over the amount generated will be charged at the standard rate of electricity from your supplier.

It is worth ensuring that your electricty supplier is licensed under the FIT scheme, here is the full list of licensed FIT suppliers.

The table below shows the rate set for the Feed-in tariff for 3 years, once your solar system is connected to the grid the amount you receive will be fixed for 25 years. In year 3 the rates paid are reduced and may continue to reduce in each of the following years. The rates are to reviewed in 2012 and may be cut by up to 10%.

TechnologyScaleApril 10-March 11Apr 11-Mar 12Apr 12-Mar 13
PV≤ 4 kW (new build)
PV≤ 4 kW (retrofit)41.341.337.8
PV>4-10 kW36.136.133.0
PV>10-100 kW31.431.428.7
PV Stand alone29.329.326.8

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